坦萨土工格栅通常由定向高密度聚乙烯 (HDPE) 或聚丙烯 (PP) 制成,具有耐用性、刚度和强度。 肋条之间的连接是一体成型的,具有高强度和结构稳定性。
土工格栅主要提供加固或加筋功能,以提高土壤的性能。 它还可分离土壤和粒料层。
粒料可以穿过肋条之间的开口或孔径,与土工格栅形成嵌锁。 如果土工格栅足够坚硬,肋骨轮廓足够深并且连接处足够坚固,粒料就会被限制在孔内,从而形成一种新的土工格栅/粒料复合层,具有更高的强度和抗变形能力。
对于土壤加筋应用,荷载必须在土壤和土工格栅之间转移。 单向土工格栅的横肋具备有效的机理,能够通过邻接而不只是摩擦转移荷载。 土工格栅中的高拉伸荷载由纵向肋条承受。 它们必须能够在结构的整个使用寿命(通常长达 120 年)内承受如此高的负载,需要耐久性以及长期的强度和刚度。
土工格栅具备的嵌锁和约束效用取决于其物理特性(平面内刚度、节点接合强度、肋条轮廓)和与粒料的相容性(粒料尺寸和类型)。 具有相同短期 QC 强度的不同土工格栅,可能具有广泛不同的特性,具体取决于制造方法、节点类型、肋材轮廓和使用的聚合物。
对于土壤加筋应用,土工格栅必须具备久经验证的强度和刚度特性以及高耐久性。 土工格栅的长期特性因制造方法和使用的聚合物而异。 坦萨单向土工格栅经认证,可在各种土壤 pH 值和化学侵蚀性环境中使用长达 120 年。
- 产品适用两个方向加筋
- 因肋条形状和较低节点强度影响,较低的约束效率,导致性能降低
- 设计参数一般基于小比例模型试验或土工格栅本身的性能
- 主要应用于软基,而应用道路基层通常未经验证
Tensar® 土工格栅
- 产品适用于力学稳定加固粒料
- 高效的粒料嵌锁约束,提高了地基承载力,限制了表面变形
- 设计参数基于力学稳定层的等比例足尺加速加载行车试验
- 经证实适用于永久道路的基层加固,也适用于软土地基上的道路
- Aggregate or sand fill confined by cell walls to increase bearing capacity. Difficult to achieve compaction within cells
- Complex installation requires more labour and time to open, secure and place first layer. Fill is difficult over weakest soils
- Typically limited to installation over soft soils
Tensar® Geogrid
- Highly efficient aggregate confinement creates a mechanically stabilised layer with improved bearing capacity. Aggregate compaction is enhanced
- Installation costs are low. Quick and simple to roll out and commence fill. Over very weak soils access is made possible by ‘snowshoe effect’
- Proven suitability for base stabilisation in permanent roads to increase pavement life as well as for road foundations over weak ground
Geotextile Reinforcement
- Mobilisation of geotextile strength to reinforce aggregate is limited by friction
- Load support is developed by the tensioned membrane mechanism requiring higher surface deformation to mobilise the reinforcement effect
- Typically limited to installation over soft soils where surface rutting is permissible
Tensar® Geogrid
- Product design optimised for mechanical stabilisation of aggregates by interlock and confinement
- Highly efficient aggregate confinement by interlock increases bearing capacity and limits surface deformations
- Proven suitability for base stabilisation in permanent roads to increase pavement life as well as for road foundations over weak ground where surface rutting is to be limited
Chemical Stabilisation
- Large equipment required for treatment. Difficult access over very weak soils. High mobilisation and set up costs limit use to larger area projects
- Limited to use with certain soil types and unsuitable for organic and certain clay soils
- Windblown dust can be an issue during installation. Drainage and hydrology of soil is affected.
Tensar® Geogrid
- Installation costs are low. Quick and simple to roll out and commence fill. Over very weak soils access is made possible by ‘snowshoe effect’. Suitable for projects of any size
- Mechanically stabilised layers can be used over all soil types including organic soils
- Mechanical stabilisation has minimum environmental impact during installation and when in-place. Suitable for end-of life excavation and disposal
- Weak soils required to be excavated and disposed off-site, then backfill with suitable materials prior to placement of aggregate layers. Resulting in increased traffic movements, project costs and carbon emissions
- Thicker layers of aggregate required to achieve the same bearing capacity and surface rutting profile. Resulting in higher construction cost, increased time and greater carbon emissions
- Increasing pavement life would require an increase in thickness of the unbound layers, increasing overall costs, materials usage, and carbon emissions
Tensar® Geogrid
- Allows installation, placement, and compaction of aggregate layers over very weak and variable soils
- Mechanical stabilisation enables reductions in capping layer or subbase thickness over weak or variable soils
- Mechanical stabilisation of unbound layers in permanent roads increases pavement life or enables pavement layer thickness to be reduced for the same life
测试和经验表明,当使用适当的级配粒料填充时,坦萨土工格栅具备分离功能。 土工格栅不容易“遮蔽”或堵塞,而土工布用作分隔层时可能会发生这种情况。